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Bodensteiner Implement Company - New Hampton

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2001 John Deere 4710 Self-Propelled Sprayer
50 photos

2001 John Deere 4710

$55,000 USD 4659 hours
Boom Width: 90-Foot
Hours: 4659
Boom Width: 90-Foot, Boom Leveling: Yes, Tank: Poly, Tire Width: Narrow, Hydraulic Tread Adjust: Yes, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: No, Traction Control: No, Nozzle Spac... See all seller comments
$55,000 USD
4659 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2017 Hagie STS12 Self-Propelled Sprayer
38 photos

2017 Hagie STS12

$309,000 USD 708 hours
Boom Width: 90-Foot
Hours: 708
Boom Width: 90-Foot, Boom Leveling: Yes, Tank: Stainless, Tire Width: Narrow, Hydraulic Tread Adjust: Yes, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: Yes, Traction Control: Yes, Nozz... See all seller comments
$309,000 USD
708 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2019 John Deere 9620RX 175+ HP
29 photos

2019 John Deere 9620RX

$449,000 USD 2006 hours
HP: 620
Hours: 2006
Track Size: 760mm/30-inch, Track Spacing: Narrow, PTO: Yes, Rear 3-Point Hitch: No, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: Yes, Hydraulic Pump: Standard, e18 Transmission, 18 F/... See all seller comments
$449,000 USD
2006 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2018 John Deere 9520RX 175+ HP
26 photos

2018 John Deere 9520RX

$389,000 USD 2200 hours
Hours: 2200
Track Size: 760mm/30-inch, Track Spacing: Narrow, PTO: No, Rear 3-Point Hitch: No, Transmission: Power Shift, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: Yes, Hydraulic Pump: Standard... See all seller comments
$389,000 USD
2200 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
1999 John Deere 7210 100-174 HP
25 photos

1999 John Deere 7210

$35,500 USD 10552 hours
Drive: MFWD
Hours: 10552
Cab: Cab, Front Axle: MFWD, Transmission: Partial Power Shift, Guidance-ready: No, Guidance Receiver: No, Rear PTO: 540/1000, Rear Tires: Singles, Tire Width: Mid, Loader: No, 1999 JD 7210MRWDPARTIAL P... See all seller comments
$35,500 USD
10552 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2018 Case IH 7240 Combine
23 photos

2018 Case IH 7240

$175,000 USD 2629 hours
Hours: 2629
Sep. Hours: 1983
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: 2WD, Duals/Singles: Duals, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Yield MonitorContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Powercast Tailboard, Header: No, Firestone VF 20.8x42... See all seller comments
$175,000 USD
2629 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2015 John Deere 8270R 175+ HP
23 photos

2015 John Deere 8270R

$212,500 USD 2356 hours
Drive: MFWD
Hours: 2356
Cab: Cab, Front Axle: MFWD w/ Suspension, Transmission: Power Shift, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: Yes, Rear PTO: 1000, Rear Tires: Duals, Tire Width: Mid, Loader: No, O... See all seller comments
$212,500 USD
2356 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2008 Case IH SPX4420 Self-Propelled Sprayer
22 photos

2008 Case IH SPX4420

$89,000 USD 3515 hours
Boom Width: 90-Foot
Hours: 3515
Boom Width: 90-Foot, Boom Leveling: Yes, Tank: Stainless, Tire Width: Narrow, Hydraulic Tread Adjust: No, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: Yes, Guidance Display: Yes, Traction Control: Yes, Nozz... See all seller comments
$89,000 USD
3515 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2002 John Deere 936 Mower Conditioner
20 photos

2002 John Deere 936

$7,500 USD
Impeller, 1000 rpm, drawbar swivel hitch, turn limiters, manual tilt adjustment, double ball joint drive, 2002 JD 936IMPELLER1000 RPMDRAWBAR SWIVEL HITCHTURN LIMITERSMANUAL TILT ADJUSTMENTDOUBLE BALL J... See all seller comments
$7,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2018 John Deere 1775NT Planter
17 photos

2018 John Deere 1775NT

$209,000 USD
No. of Rows: 16
Row Spacing: 30 in
Rows: 16, Row Spacing: 30 in, 16 row 30" CCS, Exactemerge, IRHD, Cast iron closing wheels, Standard gauge wheels, Independent markers, Unit will have pneumatic row cleaners- not the combo units shown,... See all seller comments
$209,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2021 John Deere 8RX 370 175+ HP
17 photos

2021 John Deere 8RX 370

$479,000 USD 390 hours
Hours: 390
Track Size: 600mm/24-inch, Track Spacing: Wide, PTO: Yes, Rear 3-Point Hitch: Yes, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: Yes, Guidance Display: Yes, Hydraulic Pump: Standard, JOHN DEERE 8RX 370, IVT,... See all seller comments
$479,000 USD
390 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2021 Deere 333G Skid Steer
16 photos

2021 Deere 333G

$75,000 USD 387 hours
Hours: 387
Operators Station: Cab EnclosureA/CHand ControlsEH ControlsAir Ride Seat, Attachments: Aux Hydraulics, Powertrain: 2 SpeedRide Control, Booms: Self-Leveling, Tracks: Rubber Tracks, Buckets: 84" Bucket,... See all seller comments
$75,000 USD
387 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2023 John Deere S760 Combine
16 photos

2023 John Deere S760

$463,000 USD 307 hours
Hours: 307
Sep. Hours: 239
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: 2WD, Duals/Singles: Duals, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Yield MonitorContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Fore/Aft, Header: No, 3 speed push button trans, high... See all seller comments
$463,000 USD
307 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2023 John Deere 8R 410 175+ HP
16 photos

2023 John Deere 8R 410

$469,000 USD 239 hours
Drive: MFWD
HP: 410
Hours: 239
Cab: Cab, Front Axle: MFWD w/ Suspension, Transmission: EVT, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: Yes, Guidance Display: Yes, Rear PTO: 1000, Rear Tires: Duals, Tire Width: Mid, Loader: No, JD 8R 41... See all seller comments
$469,000 USD
239 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2017 John Deere S680 Combine
16 photos

2017 John Deere S680

$215,000 USD 1959 hours
Hours: 1959
Sep. Hours: 1259
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: PRWD, Duals/Singles: Duals, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Yield MonitorContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Fore/AftPowercast Tailboard, Header: No, Custom Con... See all seller comments
$215,000 USD
1959 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2014 John Deere 6150M 100-174 HP
15 photos

2014 John Deere 6150M

$54,500 USD 10000 hours
Drive: MFWD
Hours: 10000
Cab: Cab, Front Axle: MFWD, Transmission: Partial Power Shift, Guidance-ready: No, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: No, Rear PTO: 540/1000, Rear Tires: Singles, Tire Width: Mid, Loader: Yes, St... See all seller comments
$54,500 USD
10000 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2023 John Deere S790 Combine
15 photos

2023 John Deere S790

$569,000 USD 368 hours
Hours: 368
Sep. Hours: 256
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: PRWD, Duals/Singles: Duals, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Yield MonitorContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Fore/AftActive YieldPowercast TailboardPower Folding... See all seller comments
$569,000 USD
368 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2020 John Deere 1775NT Planter
14 photos

2020 John Deere 1775NT

$289,000 USD
No. of Rows: 24
Row Spacing: 30 in
Rows: 24, Row Spacing: 30 in, Frame: Flex Fold, Metering System: Exact Emerge, Hopper: Central Fill System, Row Command: Yes, Options: Electric Drive, ExactEmerge Package, Connect Mobile Ready, Tractor... See all seller comments
$289,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2014 John Deere 1770NT Planter
14 photos

2014 John Deere 1770NT

$79,000 USD
No. of Rows: 16
Row Spacing: 30 in
Rows: 16, Row Spacing: 30 in, Frame: Flex Fold, Metering System: Vacuum, Hopper: Central Fill System, Row Command: Yes, Fertilizer: Other, English Operators Manual and Decal Kit, Central Commodity Syst... See all seller comments
$79,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2011 John Deere 1770NT CCS Planter
14 photos

2011 John Deere 1770NT CCS

$125,000 USD
No. of Rows: 16
Row Spacing: 30 in
Rows: 16, Row Spacing: 30 in, Frame: Flex Fold, Metering System: Vacuum, Hopper: Central Fill System, Row Command: Yes, Fertilizer: Other, Options: Electric Drive, 2017 5e conversion 1A0R755EJH0775103,... See all seller comments
$125,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2006 John Deere 726 Soil Finisher
13 photos

2006 John Deere 726

$27,000 USD
Size: 30 ft, Kind: 3-Section Folding, 30', New Blades, new sweeps, spike tooth harrow- very nice machine, 2006 JD 726 30 FOOT3-SECTION FOLDINGNEW BLADES NEW SWEEPS SPIKE TOOTH HARROW PLEASE CONTACT BEN... See all seller comments
$27,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2018 John Deere 9470R 175+ HP
13 photos

2018 John Deere 9470R

$249,500 USD 3270 hours
Hours: 3270
Transmission: Power Shift, Tires: Duals, Hydraulic Pump: Standard, PTO: No, Rear 3-Point Hitch: No, Guidance-ready: Yes, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance Display: Yes, e18 Transmission, 18 F/6 R Speeds... See all seller comments
$249,500 USD
3270 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2022 John Deere RD35F Platform
12 photos

2022 John Deere RD35F

$92,000 USD
Platform size: 35 Feet, Platform Kind: Draper, Options: Flip Over Reel, Flip over reel, long/long sickle, spare knife, 2022 JD RD35F35 FOOTDRAPERFLIP OVER REELLONG/LONG SICKLESPARE KNIFEPLEASE CALL BEN... See all seller comments
$92,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2021 Capello QUASAR F6 Corn Head
12 photos

2021 Capello QUASAR F6

$49,000 USD
Chopper: Yes
No. of Rows: 6
Row Spacing: 30
Number of Rows: 6, Header Row Spacing: 30, StalkMaster: Yes, Stalk Stompers, Chopping, Active End Fenders, Insight / Headsight, 2021 CAPELLO QUASAR F66 ROWS30 INCH SPACINGSTALKMASTERSTALK STOMPERSCHOPP... See all seller comments
$49,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2021 John Deere XUV835R ATVs and Utility Vehicle
12 photos

2021 John Deere XUV835R

$17,500 USD 1500 hours
Hours: 1500
Type: 4WD Gas, Tire Type: All Terrain, Options: Power Steering, Cargo box with Poly liner, brake & tail lights, 2021 JD XUV 835RComplete new engine w/warranty until 1/29/264WD GASALL TERRAINPOWER S... See all seller comments
$17,500 USD
1500 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
1999 John Deere F620 Lawn Mower
11 photos

1999 John Deere F620

$2,200 USD 1347 hours
Hours: 1347
Width: 60 in, Engine Type: Gas, Drive Type: 2WD, Deluxe highback seat , 20x10-10 turf drive tires , Dual rear tires (2) 13x6.5-6 , 1999 JD F62060 INCH DECKGAS ENGINE2WDDELUXE HIGHBACK SEAT20X10-10 TURF... See all seller comments
$2,200 USD
1347 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2005 John Deere 9660 STS Combine
11 photos

2005 John Deere 9660 STS

$39,500 USD 4150 hours
Hours: 4150
Sep. Hours: 2825
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: 2WD, Duals/Singles: Singles, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Contour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Yield Monitor, Header: No, 2005 JD 9660 STS2WDYIELD MONITORCONTO... See all seller comments
$39,500 USD
4150 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2008 John Deere 608C Corn Head
11 photos

2008 John Deere 608C

$19,900 USD
No. of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 30
Number of Rows: 8, Header Row Spacing: 30, Stalkmaster, Calmar rolls, Lankota stalk stomers, Corn head has been run with chopping knives removed, 2008 JD 608C STALKMASTER8 ROWS30 INCH SPACING STALKMAST... See all seller comments
$19,900 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2014 Deere 323E Skid Steer
11 photos

2014 Deere 323E

$44,500 USD 1098 hours
Hours: 1098
Operators Station: Foot ControlsHi-FloCab EnclosureA/C, Attachments: Aux Hydraulics, Powertrain: 2 Speed, Tracks: Narrow Rubber Tracks, Buckets: General Purpose Bkt72" Bucket, Miscellaneous: Reversing... See all seller comments
$44,500 USD
1098 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
1999 Diamond Mowers DBR050AA Rotary Cutter
11 photos

1999 Diamond Mowers DBR050AA

$4,500 USD
$4,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2016 John Deere 608C StalkMaster Corn Head
10 photos

2016 John Deere 608C StalkMaster

$40,000 USD
Chopper: Yes
No. of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 30
Number of Rows: 8, Header Row Spacing: 30, StalkMaster: Yes, Stalkmaster, intermeshing rolls, no stompers, 2016 JD 608C STALK MASTER8 ROWS30 INCH SPACINGSTALKMASTERINTERMESHING ROLLSNO STOMPERSPLEASE C... See all seller comments
$40,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2023 John Deere S770 Combine
10 photos

2023 John Deere S770

$429,000 USD 455 hours
Hours: 455
Sep. Hours: 340
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: 2WD, Duals/Singles: Duals, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Yield MonitorContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Active YieldFore/AftPowercast Tailboard, Header: No,... See all seller comments
$429,000 USD
455 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2022 Unverferth RENEGADE 2500 Toolbar
10 photos

2022 Unverferth RENEGADE 2500

$119,000 USD
$119,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2012 Brent 1194 Grain Cart
10 photos

2012 Brent 1194

$82,000 USD
U-Harvest Scale with Moisture Sensor, 36" X 131" in Tracks (Hydraulic Tension), 1394 Sides Boards, 2-way Adjustable Spout, Tarp, Green, Updated Track system and spindles, Rear Camera, Auger Camera, Rem... See all seller comments
$82,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2018 MC 2408SB Miscellaneous
10 photos

2018 MC 2408SB

$19,500 USD
$19,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2012 John Deere Gator XUV 825I ATVs and Utility Vehicle
10 photos

2012 John Deere Gator XUV 825I

$7,900 USD 980 hours
Hours: 980
Type: 4WD Gas, Options: Power Steering, Bighorn Radial Tires, Cargo box with Poly liner, brake & tail lights, Overhead Protection Structure, JOHN DEERE XUV 825I, POWER STEERING, 4WD, ROOF, CARGO BO... See all seller comments
$7,900 USD
980 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2013 John Deere Gator XUV 825I ATVs and Utility Vehicle
10 photos

2013 John Deere Gator XUV 825I

$7,900 USD 1480 hours
Hours: 1480
Type: 4WD Gas, Tire Type: All Terrain, Options: Power Steering, All terrain tires, Cargo box with Poly liner, brake & tail lights, Overhead Protection Structure, 2013 JD XUV 825I4WD GASALL TERRAINP... See all seller comments
$7,900 USD
1480 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2013 Brent 1082 Grain Cart
10 photos

2013 Brent 1082

$43,500 USD
$43,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2009 John Deere 608C StalkMaster Corn Head
10 photos

2009 John Deere 608C StalkMaster

$15,000 USD
Chopper: Yes
No. of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 30
Number of Rows: 8, Header Row Spacing: 30, StalkMaster: Yes, Stalkmaster, opossed rolls, SS cover plates , HHS, No row sensors, JD 2009 608C STALK MASTER8 ROWS30 INCH SPACINGSTALKMASTEROPOSSED ROLLSSS... See all seller comments
$15,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
 J&M 525-14 Grain Cart
9 photos

J&M 525-14

$13,500 USD
Green- front auger, 23.1x26, 14" corner auger, no tarp, Bottom auger reflighted, GREEN- FRONT AUGER 23.1X2614" CORNER AUGER, BOTTOM AUGER REFLIGHTED, NO TARPPLEASE CONTACT BEN BLASBERG WITH ANY QUESTIO... See all seller comments
$13,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2020 Brent 1196 Grain Cart
9 photos

2020 Brent 1196

$122,000 USD
$122,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2003 John Deere 1600 Lawn Mower
9 photos

2003 John Deere 1600

$11,900 USD 5600 hours
Hours: 5600
Width: 72 in, Engine Type: Diesel, Drive Type: AWD, 2003 JD 160072 INCH DECKDIESEL ENGINEAWD PLEASE CONTACT LLOYD PHILLIPS WITH ANY QUESTIONS 319-240-6183
$11,900 USD
5600 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2020 John Deere 708C Corn Head
9 photos

2020 John Deere 708C

$69,500 USD
Chopper: No
No. of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 30
Number of Rows: 8, Header Row Spacing: 30, StalkMaster: No, Intermeshing rolls, row sensors, High moisture auger trough, New chains, sproketes, and guides, 2020 JD 708C8 ROWS30 INCH SPACINGINTERMESHING... See all seller comments
$69,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2016 John Deere X570 Lawn Mower
8 photos

2016 John Deere X570

$4,900 USD 328 hours
Hours: 328
Width: 48 in, Transmission: Hydro, Engine Type: Gas, Drive Type: 2WD, 2016 JD X57048 INCH DECKHYDRO TRANSMISSIONGAS ENGINE2WDPLEASE CONTACT LLOYD PHILLIPS WITH ANY QUESTIONS319-240-6183
$4,900 USD
328 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2017 John Deere 640FD Platform
8 photos

2017 John Deere 640FD

$59,000 USD
Platform size: 40 Feet, Dual knife drive , Poly tine pickup reel , JD 640FD PLATFORM, DUAL KNIFE DRIVE
$59,000 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2000 Brent 620 Grain Cart
8 photos

2000 Brent 620

$13,500 USD
24.5X32 tires, Small 1000 pto., One season on augers, tarp, 20000 BRENT 62024 5X32 TIRESSMALL 1000 PTOONE SEASON ON AUGERSTarpPLEASE CONTACT BEN BLASBERG WITH ANY QUESTIONS319-215-2619
$13,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2021 John Deere S760 Combine
7 photos

2021 John Deere S760

$314,500 USD 975 hours
Hours: 975
Sep. Hours: 765
Combine Type: Corn/Bean, Axle: 2WD, Duals/Singles: Duals, Chopper/Spreader: Chopper, Options: Yield MonitorContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)Fore/AftActive YieldHarvest MobileAdvisor PackagePowe... See all seller comments
$314,500 USD
975 hours
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298
2015 Grouser 2200 Blade
7 photos

2015 Grouser 2200

$17,500 USD
Grouser 14' 6 way silage blade, ISO 3 point mount with plumbing to rear SCV's (3), mounted on MY15 8270R with ILS and 16 speed power shift, 2015 GROUSER 220014 FOOT6 WAY SILAGE BLADEISO 3 POINT MOUNT W... See all seller comments
$17,500 USD
New Hampton, IA
(641) 552-0298